K.J. Kuchta to Speak at the E-discovery Bootcamp

E-Discovery Bootcamp seminar and live webcast
Presented by State Bar of Arizona Technology Committee

May 10, 2017 from 9:00am to 4:30pm
Even though the most important changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (“FRCP”) relating to electronically stored information (“ESI”) and electronic evidence discovery (“EED”) were made in 2006, over ten years ago, many lawyers are not adequately knowledgeable about the nature, importance and obligations of e-Discovery in the digital age. Without such knowledge and simply “doing what you’ve always done,” you may be at risk for potential malpractice liability, court sanctions, ethics violations, and client complaints.
Attend this seminar and learn the essentials every lawyer must know about ESI-EED matters. Panelists will walk you through major ESI-EED milestones and obligations arising in civil litigation matters using the “Electronic Discovery Reference Model,” including evidence identification, preservation, collection, data processing, review, analysis, and production.
Understanding this process can keep you out of trouble and provide real cost savings to both you and your client.

3 Ethics
Course Number:17155-367

Register at Arizona State Bar

at the State Bar CLE Center
4201 N. 24th Street